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Easy RV Awning Adjustment: A DIY Guide to Perfectly Positioning Your Outdoor Shade

Learn how to adjust your RV awning with ease! Our guide provides step-by-step instructions to help you get the perfect shade on your next camping trip.

Nothing beats the feeling of being outdoors, surrounded by nature and the fresh air. Whether you're camping, tailgating, or just spending time in your RV, having an awning can make all the difference in your experience. Not only does it provide shade and protection from the elements, but it also adds an extra layer of privacy to your outdoor space. However, just like any other component of your RV, your awning needs maintenance and adjustment from time to time.

Adjusting your RV awning may seem like a daunting task, but it's actually quite simple once you know what to do. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps of adjusting your RV awning and answer some frequently asked questions along the way.

Before we dive into the specifics of adjusting your RV awning, let's first talk about why you might need to adjust it. Over time, your awning may become misaligned, causing it to sag or droop. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, such as weather conditions, wear and tear, or improper installation. Adjusting your RV awning can help ensure that it's functioning properly and providing the necessary protection and shade for your outdoor activities.

The first step in adjusting your RV awning is to identify the type of awning you have. There are two main types of RV awnings: manual and electric. Manual awnings require you to manually adjust the arms and legs, while electric awnings can be adjusted with the push of a button. The process for adjusting each type of awning is slightly different, so it's important to know which one you have.

If you have a manual awning, the next step is to extend the awning fully. This will give you a better view of the arms and legs and allow you to determine if any adjustments are needed. Once the awning is fully extended, check to see if the arms and legs are properly aligned. If they're not, use a wrench to loosen the bolts on the arm or leg that needs adjusting. Then, gently move the arm or leg into the correct position and tighten the bolts back up.

When adjusting your RV awning, it's important to take safety precautions. Always make sure the awning is fully extended and securely in place before attempting to adjust it. Avoid standing on chairs or ladders to reach the awning, as this can be dangerous. Instead, use a sturdy step stool or ladder and have someone hold it steady for you.

If you have an electric awning, the process for adjusting it is a bit different. First, make sure the awning is fully extended. Then, use the remote control to adjust the pitch of the awning. This will allow you to control the amount of shade and protection provided by the awning.

Once you've adjusted your RV awning, it's important to test it out before using it for an extended period of time. Make sure it's securely in place and not sagging or drooping. If you notice any issues, repeat the adjustment process until it's functioning properly.

One common question people have about adjusting their RV awning is how often it needs to be done. The answer to this question depends on a variety of factors, such as how often you use your RV, the weather conditions it's exposed to, and how well it was installed. As a general rule of thumb, it's a good idea to inspect and adjust your RV awning at least once a year.

Another question people have is whether they can adjust the height of their RV awning. While it's possible to adjust the pitch of the awning, adjusting the height is not recommended. This is because the height of the awning is determined by the placement of the hardware and adjusting it can cause damage to your RV.

Adjusting your RV awning may seem like a small task, but it can make a big difference in your overall outdoor experience. By following these simple steps and taking the proper safety precautions, you can ensure that your awning is functioning properly and providing the necessary shade and protection for all your outdoor activities.


RV awnings are essential for outdoor living. They provide shade and protection from the sun, rain, and wind. However, sometimes they need adjustments to function properly. In this article, we will discuss how to adjust your RV awning to ensure that it is functioning at its best.

Inspecting Your Awning

Before adjusting your RV awning, it is important to inspect it thoroughly. Check for any signs of damage or wear and tear. Look for holes, tears, or frayed edges in the fabric. If you notice any problems, it is best to address them before making any adjustments.

Adjusting the Height

The height of your RV awning is essential for providing adequate shade. If your awning is too low, it can obstruct your view or cause people to bump their heads. If it is too high, it may not provide enough shade. To adjust the height, locate the arms on either side of the awning. Loosen the knobs on the arm and slide it up or down to the desired height. Tighten the knobs to secure the arm in place.

Adjusting the Tension

The tension of your RV awning determines how taut the fabric is. If it is too loose, it can sag and collect water, leading to damage. If it is too tight, it can cause the fabric to stretch or tear. To adjust the tension, locate the spring mechanism on the arm of the awning. Use a crank to turn the spring clockwise or counterclockwise to increase or decrease the tension. Test the tension by gently pushing on the fabric. It should be taut but not overly stretched.

Adjusting the Pitch

The pitch of your RV awning determines the angle at which it slopes. This is important for shedding water and preventing pooling. To adjust the pitch, locate the knobs on the arm of the awning. Loosen them and adjust the angle of the arm until the desired pitch is achieved. Tighten the knobs to secure the arm in place.

Adjusting the Arms

The arms of your RV awning are responsible for holding up the fabric. If they are not properly aligned, the awning may not function correctly. To adjust the arms, loosen the knobs on either side of the awning. Move the arm up or down to align it with the other arm. Tighten the knobs to secure the arm in place.

Replacing the Fabric

If your RV awning fabric is damaged beyond repair, it may need to be replaced. To do this, you will need to remove the old fabric and install the new one. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and make sure to secure the fabric tightly to prevent damage.

Cleaning Your Awning

Regular cleaning of your RV awning is essential for maintaining its appearance and function. Use a mild detergent and a soft brush to gently scrub the fabric. Rinse thoroughly with a hose and allow it to air dry completely before retracting.

Storing Your Awning

When not in use, it is important to store your RV awning properly to prevent damage and prolong its lifespan. Make sure it is completely dry before retracting it. Roll it up tightly and secure it with straps or bungee cords. Store it in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight and moisture.


Proper adjustment and maintenance of your RV awning are essential for keeping it functioning at its best. By following these tips, you can ensure that your awning provides shade and protection for many outdoor adventures to come.

Introduction to RV Awnings

RV awnings are an essential feature of any recreational vehicle. They provide shade and protection from the sun, rain, and other elements. RV owners can enjoy the great outdoors without being exposed to the harsh weather conditions. However, improper adjustment of your RV awning can lead to several problems.

Common Problems with RV Awnings

One of the most common issues that RV owners face is an improperly adjusted awning. This can lead to sagging, tearing, or even complete detachment from the RV. Improperly adjusted awnings can also cause damage to the RV and other belongings, such as outdoor furniture and appliances. Regular maintenance and proper adjustment of your RV awning can help prevent these problems.

Importance of Proper Adjustment

Proper adjustment of your RV awning is crucial for ensuring its longevity and functionality. It also helps to prevent damage to your RV and other belongings. An awning that is too loose can flap in the wind, causing unnecessary wear and tear on the fabric and hardware. On the other hand, an awning that is too tight can cause damage to the RV's structure. Proper adjustment ensures that the awning is secure and functions as intended.

Tools Required for Adjustment

To adjust your RV awning, you will need some basic tools such as a ladder, a tape measure, a wrench, and a level. These tools will help you determine the proper angle and height of your awning, as well as adjust the tension.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adjusting Your RV Awning

The first step in adjusting your RV awning is to determine the proper angle and height. This can be done by measuring the distance between the RV and the awning arms. Here are the steps to adjust your RV awning:

Step 1: Determine the Proper Height

Measure the distance between the RV and the awning arms. This will help you determine the correct height for your awning. The height should be such that the awning slopes slightly downward away from the RV to allow water runoff.

Step 2: Adjusting the Height of Your RV Awning

Once you have determined the correct height, you can adjust the awning arms accordingly. Use a level to ensure that the arms are straight and level. Adjust the tension on the arms by tightening or loosening the bolts on the brackets. Make sure to tighten the bolts securely to prevent the arms from moving.

Step 3: Adjusting the Angle of Your RV Awning

To adjust the angle of your RV awning, loosen the locking knobs on the awning arms and pivot them to the desired angle. Tighten the knobs to secure the arms in place. Adjust the tension on the fabric by turning the roller tube. The fabric should be taut and not sagging or drooping.

Step 4: Checking for Proper Tension

After adjusting the height and angle of your RV awning, check for proper tension. The fabric should be taut and not sagging or drooping. Adjust the tension as necessary by turning the roller tube.

Step 5: Testing Your RV Awning

Once you have made all the necessary adjustments, test your RV awning by extending and retracting it a few times to ensure that it is working properly.


Properly adjusting your RV awning is essential for its longevity and functionality. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your RV awning is properly adjusted and ready for use. Regular maintenance and proper adjustment will help prevent problems and ensure that you can enjoy your RV to the fullest.

RV Awning Adjustment: Pros and Cons


RV awning is an essential part of an RV that provides shade and protection from the sun and rain. It makes outdoor camping more comfortable and enjoyable. However, sometimes, the RV awning may need adjustment to improve its functionality and performance. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of RV awning adjustment and provide information on the different aspects of it.

Pros of RV Awning Adjustment

1. Improved Functionality: Adjusting the RV awning can improve its functionality by providing better coverage and protection from the sun and rain.

2. Increased Durability: Adjusting the RV awning can increase its durability by preventing it from being damaged by wind, rain, or snow.

3. Better Aesthetics: Adjusting the RV awning can enhance its appearance by making it look more attractive and stylish.

4. Enhanced Comfort: Adjusting the RV awning can provide enhanced comfort by creating a shaded area that is cool and relaxing.

Cons of RV Awning Adjustment

1. Costly: RV awning adjustment can be costly, especially if you hire a professional to do it.

2. Time-Consuming: RV awning adjustment can take time, and it may require several adjustments before it is perfect.

3. Risk of Damage: RV awning adjustment can be risky, and it may damage the awning or RV if not done correctly.

4. Maintenance: Adjusting the RV awning may require regular maintenance to ensure it remains in good condition.

Information Table about RV Awning Adjustment

Aspect Description
Cost Can range from $100-500 depending on the type of adjustment needed and whether it is done professionally or DIY.
Time Can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the type of adjustment needed and the skill level of the person doing it.
Tools Required May require tools such as a ladder, screwdriver, pliers, and a level.
Maintenance May require regular maintenance such as cleaning, lubrication, and tightening screws or bolts.
Risk of Damage There is a risk of damage to the RV awning or RV if not done correctly.
Benefits Improved functionality, increased durability, better aesthetics, enhanced comfort.


RV awning adjustment can have both pros and cons. It can improve the functionality and appearance of the RV awning, but it can also be costly, time-consuming, and risky. Before attempting any RV awning adjustment, it is essential to understand the different aspects and weigh the pros and cons carefully.

How to Adjust Your RV Awning for Maximum Comfort

Welcome to our blog! As RV enthusiasts, we understand how important it is to have a comfortable and functional RV awning. It provides shade from the sun, protection from the rain, and adds an element of outdoor living to your RV experience. However, if your RV awning is not properly adjusted, it can become a source of frustration rather than enjoyment. In this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to adjust your RV awning for maximum comfort.

Before we get started, it is important to note that there are many different types of RV awnings on the market. Each manufacturer may have different instructions for adjusting their specific awning. Therefore, it is always best to refer to your owner’s manual for specific instructions.

The first step in adjusting your RV awning is to determine the proper pitch. The pitch refers to the angle at which the awning is set up. If the pitch is too low, water can pool on the fabric, causing damage and potentially collapsing the awning. If the pitch is too high, it can allow wind to get underneath the fabric, causing the awning to flap and potentially causing damage.

To determine the proper pitch, start by extending your awning fully. Then, take a look at the arms that support the awning. There should be a small lever or knob on each arm that allows you to adjust the pitch. Begin by loosening these levers or knobs and adjusting the pitch until the awning fabric is taut and water runs off easily.

Another key factor in adjusting your RV awning is the tension of the fabric. The fabric should be tight enough to prevent flapping in the wind but not so tight that it puts unnecessary strain on the arms and hardware.

To adjust the tension, start by extending your awning fully. Then, locate the tension knobs on each arm of the awning. These knobs are typically located near the base of the arm. Begin by loosening the knobs and adjusting the tension until the fabric is taut but not overly tight.

It is also important to make sure that your RV awning is properly anchored. If the awning is not anchored securely, it can become loose in the wind, potentially causing damage to your RV or other nearby property.

To anchor your RV awning, start by checking the ground where you will be setting up your awning. Look for any rocks, sticks, or other sharp objects that could damage the fabric of the awning. Then, use stakes or tie-downs to secure the awning to the ground. Make sure that the stakes or tie-downs are firmly in place and that the awning is not able to move around too much in the wind.

Another factor to consider when adjusting your RV awning is the location of the sun. If your awning is in direct sunlight for too long, it can cause the fabric to fade and deteriorate over time.

To avoid this, try to park your RV in a shady area whenever possible. If that is not an option, consider using a sunshade or canopy to provide additional shade for your awning. You can also purchase awning covers that will protect your awning from the sun when it is not in use.

Finally, it is important to keep your RV awning clean and well-maintained. Dirt, debris, and mildew can accumulate on the fabric over time, causing it to become discolored and damaged.

To clean your RV awning, start by using a soft-bristled brush to remove any loose debris. Then, mix a solution of warm water and mild soap and use a sponge or soft cloth to gently scrub the fabric. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and allow the awning to dry completely before retracting it.

In conclusion, adjusting your RV awning for maximum comfort is an important part of RV ownership. By following these tips and referring to your owner’s manual for specific instructions, you can ensure that your RV awning provides the shade and protection you need for many years to come. We hope you found this article helpful, and happy camping!

RV Awning Adjustment: Common Questions Answered

What is an RV awning?

An RV awning is a retractable cover made of fabric or vinyl that extends from the side of an RV to create shaded outdoor living space.

Why do I need to adjust my RV awning?

Over time, your RV awning may become misaligned or uneven, which can cause damage or prevent it from retracting properly. Adjusting your awning can ensure it functions correctly and prolong its lifespan.

How do I adjust the tension on my RV awning?

To adjust the tension on your RV awning, first, extend it fully. Then, locate the tension arms on either side of the awning and loosen the locking knob. Use a ratchet wrench or awning rod to turn the tension bolt clockwise to increase tension or counterclockwise to decrease tension. Tighten the locking knob once you have achieved the desired tension.

Can I adjust the height of my RV awning?

Yes, you can adjust the height of your RV awning by loosening the rafters and sliding them up or down the support arms. Be sure to re-tighten the rafters securely once you have adjusted the height.

How do I adjust the pitch of my RV awning?

To adjust the pitch of your RV awning, loosen the knobs on the support arms and slide them up or down to change the angle of the awning. Be sure to re-tighten the knobs securely once you have adjusted the pitch.

Is it difficult to adjust an RV awning?

Adjusting an RV awning can be a bit tricky, especially if you are not familiar with the process. However, following the manufacturer's instructions and taking your time can make the process easier. If you are unsure about how to adjust your RV awning, consider seeking professional assistance.

In Conclusion

Adjusting your RV awning is an essential part of RV maintenance that can ensure its proper functioning and prolong its lifespan. With a little knowledge and patience, you can easily adjust your RV awning to suit your needs and preferences.